As part of the Gender and Assets Toolkit we have compiled a number of case studies of projects collecting mixed methods data on gender and assets. These case studies come from both the GAAP portfolio and from other projects preceding GAAP that focus on gender and assets. The case studies are intended to provide practical examples and also illuminate differences across contexts, and how the researchers/investigators adapted their studies to these different contexts. For each case study we provide background information on the project, an overview of methodology, access to survey instruments when possible and a brief overview of key findings related to gender and assets. We also provide feedback on the survey methodology from project leaders themselves to get a sense of what aspects of data collection were more and less successful. In general, we have three types of case studies: (1) case studies that illustrate how (quantitative) household surveys can be designed to collect gendered asset data, usually drawing on prior qualitative work; (2) a case study showing how gendered asset data was collected in the context of a study that combined anthropological techniques (participant-observation) with a longitudinal sociological survey; and (3) case studies that show how national statistical systems can better collect gender disaggregated information in agriculture. You can view and download the full collection of GAAP Case studies or Other Case Studies or download each case study individually below:
Case Study 1: BRAC
Case Study 2: CARE
Case Study 3: CSISA #1
Case Study 4: CSISA #2
Case Study 5: Harvest Plus
Case Study 6: HKI
Case Study 7: Kickstart
Case Study 8: Landesa
Case Study 9: Land O'Lakes
Case_Study 10 International Food Policy Research Institute: (IFPRI): Strengthening Development Impact through Gender and Intra-Household Analysis Project
Case_Study 2 International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI): Evaluating the long-term impact of anti-poverty interventions in Bangladesh
Case_Study 3 International Center for Research on Women (ICRW): Gender, Land and Asset Survey (GLAS) Project
Case_Study 4 In Her Name project: Measuring the gender asset gap in Ecuador, Ghana and India
Case_Study 5 UNU-WIDER: The Gendered Nature of Asset Accumulation in Urban Contexts: Longitudinal Results from Guayaquil, Ecuador
Case_Study 6 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Agri-Statistics Toolkit