Reaching End Users Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato Project (REU), Harvest Plus, Uganda
The goal of the HarvestPlus REU OFSP project is to increase vitamin A intake and reduce vitamin A deficiency among vulnerable populations (women and children) in rural Uganda by introducing betacarotene-rich OFSP and related messages concerning agronomy, nutrition and marketing. OFSP vines were disseminated through already existing farmers groups which were composed largely or entirely of women. This project and evaluation were intended to provide a “proof of concept” of a multi-million dollar effort to support biofortification as a strategy to reduce micronutrient deficiency.
- Key questions Harvest Plus will look at as part of GAAP
1) How does the gender composition of adult household members affect the rate and sustainability of OFSP adoption?
2) Did participation in the REU OFSP project increase holdings of durable assets? Did the share of household assets controlled by women change as a result of the project?
3) What is the role of gender in affecting OFSP crop diffusion to other households? Are women more likely to share OFSP with other households than men?
Harvest Plus Instruments and Reports
- Qualitative Report of Findings
- Power Point from final technical workshop - January 2013
- Project Note - "Who Decides to Grow Orange Sweet Potatoes? Bargaining Power and Adoption of Biofortified Crops in Uganda" - November 2013
- GAAP core team members working with Harvest Plus: Julia Behrman & Agnes Quisumbing