CGIAR fellows
Marlène Elias, Gender Specialist at Bioversity International, is a Human Geographer by training with expertise in qualitative and participatory research. Her research interests include gendered dimensions of forest and biodiversity management, women’s empowerment and agri/forest value chains. In GAAP2, she will provide support to the pro-WEAI team in developing and piloting the qualitative research protocols and analyzing ensuing data.
Annet Mulema, Gender Specialist at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Ethiopia is a sociologist. In GAAP2, she will support the development of qualitative tools and the quantitative livestock add-on module of the pro-WEAI. She will also provide technical support on gender and livestock and will provide a synthesis of women empowerment issues in livestock projects in the GAAP2 portfolio.
GAAP2-AWARD placements
Brenda Boonabaana is a Lecturer in the School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences at the Makerere University in Uganda. She has Gender and Development expertise and a wealth of fieldwork experience in Uganda. An AWARD Fellow, she has been awarded a 2 year placement with GAAP2 under the GAAP2-AWARD partnership through which she will support projects with qualitative research.
Tsokwa Kakota is a senior lecturer at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) in Malawi. Her research focuses on gender and climate change issues and she has expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. She is currently an AWARD placement in the GAAP2 project where she will help develop tools focusing on the qualitative aspects and adapting them to the local context within projects and disseminate them to a wider community.