GAAP is jointly led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). The core project team is composed of researchers from IFPRI and ILRI from both qualitative and quantitative backgrounds. Members of the core team will work with each project partner to assist in the development of a mixed methods evaluation of project impact on men and women's assets. Key GAAP staff include include:
Amber Peterman, IFPRI
Amber Peterman is a research fellow at IFPRI whose work includes input into the Strengthening Women’s Assets for Better Development Outcomes research program. Her research focuses on linkages between population and development outcomes, women’s property ownership and inheritance rights, maternal health, and conflict-related issues primarily in sub-Saharan Africa. Amber received her Ph.D. in Public Policy with a concentration in Maternal and Child Health Policy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Elizabeth Waithanji, ILRI
Elizabeth Waithanji is a postdoctoral scientist at ILRI who works on livelihoods, livestock, livestock systems, pro-poor livestock, trade, value chains, vulnerability and gender issues. In addition to GAAP, she is involved in the "Reaching women in the East African Dairy Development" project and the "Women Economic Empowerment and Household Food Security in Kenya and Tanzania" project. She holds a PhD from Clark University.
Shalini Roy, IFPRI
Shalini Roy is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Poverty, Health and Nutrition Division at IFPRI. Shalini currently works on projects and evaluations of social protection programs in Uganda, Bangladesh and Timor Leste. She holds a PhD in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.
Julia Behrman, IFPRI
Julia Behrman is a research analyst at IFPRI working on the Strengthening Women’s Assets for Better Development Outcomes research program and IFPRI's Gender Task Force. Prior to joining IFPRI she worked as a consultant on projects and evaluations related to gender roles & norms, land reform, HIV/AIDS and maternal and child health in Sub-Saharan Africa. She holds an MSc in Social Anthropology and Development Studies from the London School of Economics